There are dozens of individuals and organizations that were a part of the civil rights demonstrations in Jacksonville in 1960. Here we shine a light on those mentioned throughout this exhibition. Some have now passed from this Earth and others still walk among us, inspiring new generations of truthtellers, freedom fighters, and peacekeepers. We also lift up a few of the hundreds of people who are change agents in our city today. Those pictured here, whose quotes are featured in this exhibition, have grabbed the torch and are continuing to lead by example as educators, organizers, activists, and community leaders.


“Together we go up. Together we stay up.”

– Rutledge H. Pearson


“We are propelled forward, in part, by the knowledge that we are standing on the shoulders of giants. And as my good friend Rodney always tells me, you can get tired, but you can not get weary. We can not stop until victory is won.”

– Hope McMath

It was a small and mighty team who responded to the moment and closely engaged in the planning and curation of this project: activist and hero RODNEY L. HURST SR.; curator and Yellow House director HOPE McMATH; designer CARYL BUTTERLEY; designer KAREN KURYCKI; artist, educator, and designer ERIN KENDRICK; Yellow House Fellow JORDYN BOWEN; Yellow House intern CORINNE LIGHTFOOT and executive volunteer PHYLLIS BELL-DAVIS.  And big love to all of the artists, and activists who contributed to this exhibition, with special appreciation for photographer MATTHEW BENNETT.

Thank you for engaging in the collective work of Yellow House as we take this exhibition online during a time of physical distancing, anxiety, and dramatic change.  Our work lives at the intersection of art and community, centering the experiences and stories that help spur us into action to create a more just world. We believe this exhibition and the artists whose works are lifted up for all of us to see are relevant at this time.  It is our hope that you find empowerment in the truths shared here, hope in the resiliency expressed, and inspiration to be part of the change that we need.

Your contributions support our mission of connecting art and community to build understanding, inspire empathy, and spark civic engagement.

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